// This file contains the javascript part of the Countdown // All you have to do is to correct the Date in the following few variables. // for the reason of validation, please don't put an 0 in front of the numbers from 1 - 9. (write 9 instead of 09). // You may enter your date here //first the year var year = 2011; //next the month var month = 11; //.. and the day var day = 30; //if you want to be more specific, you can add hours, minutse and seconds (the exact time): //hours: var hour = 20; //minutes var minute = 18; //seconds var second = 56; //you can change the following images to your own ones, if you like to. There is always one plural and one singular (eg days and day) var strDaysBig = ' '; var strDayBig = ' '; var strDays = ' '; var strDay = ' '; var strHours = ' '; var strHour = ' '; var strMinutes = ' '; var strMinute = ' '; var strSeconds = ' '; var strSecond = ' '; //this is the message users will see when the countdown is finished. of course you can replace it with your own one. var strTimesUp = ' Au intervenit alte probleme ,monetan nu am reusit sa terminam !'; //configuration var showIfEZero = true ; // change to true if you want to have the full date displayed. Default is false // example if true: 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 20 seconds // example if false: 20 seconds // NOTE: this only affects the second countdown. The big days counter will always be shown! //DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING FROM NOW ON, IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING! var countTo = new Date(year, month-1,day,hour,minute,second); var countdownPics = new Array(); countdownPics[0] = "images/text/daysleft.png"; countdownPics[1] = "images/text/dayleft.png"; countdownPics[2] = "images/text/days.png"; countdownPics[3] = "images/text/hours.png"; countdownPics[4] = "images/text/hour.png"; countdownPics[5] = "images/text/minutes.png"; countdownPics[6] = "images/text/minute.png"; countdownPics[7] = "images/text/seconds.png"; countdownPics[8] = "images/text/second.png"; countdownPics[9] = "images/numbers/big/0.png"; countdownPics[10] = "images/numbers/big/1.png"; countdownPics[11] = "images/numbers/big/2.png"; countdownPics[12] = "images/numbers/big/3.png"; countdownPics[13] = "images/numbers/big/4.png"; countdownPics[14] = "images/numbers/big/5.png"; countdownPics[15] = "images/numbers/big/6.png"; countdownPics[16] = "images/numbers/big/7.png"; countdownPics[17] = "images/numbers/big/8.png"; countdownPics[18] = "images/numbers/big/9.png"; countdownPics[19] = "images/numbers/small/0.png"; countdownPics[20] = "images/numbers/small/1.png"; countdownPics[21] = "images/numbers/small/2.png"; countdownPics[22] = "images/numbers/small/3.png"; countdownPics[23] = "images/numbers/small/4.png"; countdownPics[24] = "images/numbers/small/5.png"; countdownPics[25] = "images/numbers/small/6.png"; countdownPics[26] = "images/numbers/small/7.png"; countdownPics[27] = "images/numbers/small/8.png"; countdownPics[28] = "images/numbers/small/9.png"; function preloader() { for (i = 0; i < countdownPics.length; i++) { var ctdP = new Image(); ctdP.src = countdownPics[i]; } } function countdown() { fromNow=new Date(); preloader(); if(fromNow'; }else { string = string + ''; } } return string; }